Dr. Norbert Cheung's personal web site --- www.norbert.idv.hk--- 

BEng - Automatic Control Theory - 自动控制原理 - SZU1101980036


Subject Information 课程教学大纲 <click here> <language arrangement>

Video Resource - <Baidu Link>


Important Notice:

 2024-5-25- 考試安排: (1) 补充资料将分发给考试学生。内容: (1) 中英词汇; (2) 重要公式列表; (3) 参考列表。
(2) 学生可以带字典进入考场

2024-5-26 - 最後一課堂將會重溫一次, 所有課堂的重點。各同學請盡量出席。


Teaching Schedule 教学时间表 <calendar> <timetable>

Wk 1 - Introduction to Control Systems <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 2 - Differential Equation and Laplace Transform <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 3 – Mathematical Modelling and System Block Diagrams <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 4Signal Flow Graphs <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 5 Test 1 -2024/04/07(Sun) - <arrangement> <questions> <solution>

Wk 6 – System Modeling <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 7 - Routh-Hurwitz and Stability <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 8 – Root Locus Plot (Friday April 26th) <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 9 Bode Plot (Sunday April 28th) <notes> <tutorial> <solution> <lin-log graph>

(Friday May 3rd - No Lesson )

Wk 10 Test 2  (Friday May 10th) <arrangement><question & solution><marks>

Wk 11 PID Controller and Tuning <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 12 Compensator Design with Root Locus <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 13 - Compensator Design with Bode Plot <notes> <tutorial>

Wk 14 State Space Control <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 15 Advanced Control Methods <notes> <tutorial: go through video 20, 21, 22>

 Wk 16 Test 3 <arrangement> <test> <marks>

Week 17 - Subject review / revision

Week 18 - Examination 2024-7-8 Mon; 14:30-16:30; L1-707 <考试补充资料>; #33

Laboratory Sessions  实验教学 <details>

  1. Introduction to the types & contents of the experiment / 介绍实验类型与基本内容(学时:2)

  2. Experiments on Typical Circuit Simulation / 典型环节的电路模拟实验 (学时:5)

  3. Transient response and stability experiments for second-order systems / 二阶系统的瞬态响应和稳定性实验 (学时:2)

  4. Transient response and stability experiments for third-order systems / 三阶系统的瞬态响应和稳定性实验 (学时:2)

  5. Frequency domain simulation analysis of system / 系统的频域仿真分析 (学时:3)

  6. PID controller features / PID控制器特性 (学时:2)

  7. Circuit simulation of series correction of linear system / 线性系统串联校正的电路模拟实验 (学时:2)

  8. Continuous system correction design experiment / 连续系统串联校正设计实验   (学时:4)

  9. Inverted pendulum modeling and stability analysis / 倒立摆建模与稳定性分析    (学时:8)

  10. Inverted pendulum PID control experiment / 倒立摆PID控制实验 (学时:6)


Marks Allocation 分数分配 <indicative grades>

  • Test 1~3: 10% x3 = 30%

  • Laboratory 10%

  • Examination = 60%