MSc -
Hybrid Electric Car Technology
- 混合動力及電動汽車
To provide practicing engineers with a general knowledge
of modern hybrid and electric vehicle technologies and
to understand their impact and significance on our
society. |
MSc - Aerospace Power
Electronics and Actuation Systems -
To provide engineers with in-depth knowledge of the use
of power electronics and actuation systems in the
aerospace industry. To provide the latest developments
and applications in power conversion, electric actuator,
aircraft instrumentation, fly-by-wire, fly-by-light, and
space craft systems.
MSc -
Intelligent Motion Systems -
- <EE520>
To provide an in-depth knowledge on the design and
operation of intelligent motion systems. To relate and
compare numerous motion systems applications examples,
including hard disk drives, robotics and CNC machines.
To enable the students to have the ability to design
motion control systems for industrial and domestic
- Electric Vehicle
- <EE512>
To acquire a broad knowledge on modern electric vehicles
(EVs), and to understand the development of electric
vehicles from technological, environmental, and societal
MSc -
Real Time Computing -
At the completion of the subject students will be able
to understand the properties of real time languages,
operating systems, associated hardware, and
applications. Key toipics include: Real Time Computing
Systems Concepts; Real Time Systems Design Issues; Real
Time Software; and Real Time Systems Applications.
MSc - Research
Methodology and Presentation Skills - 科研方法及發表技巧
- <SZU081100>
For a research student, getting the
research work progress in the correct direction, and
disassembling the research results to the scientific
community, are perhaps the two most important things in
their study. The aim of this subject is to fulfil these
two important goals.
MSc -
Engineering Project Management -
This course introduces the concept of modern engineering
project management to students. It integrates theory and
practical knowledge of engineering project development &
execution into the course. Finally, it examines
practical examples of engineering project management.
BEng - Intelligent Systems
Applications in Electrical Engineering -
To introduce students to the fundamentals of intelligent
systems and their applications in
Electrical Engineering including electrical power
systems, control and utilization. e.g. rule based expert
systems, fuzzy expert systems, artificial neural
networks, and evolutionary
BEng -
Electric Machines -
To have a good understanding of different types of
machines (e.g. DC, induction, synchronous, reluctance,
etc.), including: (i) how they are designed; (ii) how
they are driven; (iii) what are their characteristics
and behavior.
BEng -
Electromechanical Energy Conversion -
To study the underlying operating principles of ac and
dc electric motors and generators, including their
energy conversion principles, structural differences,
and coil winding layouts.
and Control
To introduce the principles of system modelling and
analysis, and the design of feedback control systems.
To provide the foundation on signal processing and its
algorithms; and the design and applications of digital
control, filtering and signal processing.
- Control System Analysis
- 控制系統分析<SEHS4653>
This subject aims to introduce the principles and
techniques used in the analysis
and design of feedback control systems. It also provides
the foundation for the later
subjects in the areas of power systems,
drives and control. |
BEng - Automatic
Control Theory
- <1101980036>
To study basic concepts of feedback control,
modelling, linear control system analysis, root locus
method, frequency response method, and control systems
BEng - Circuit Analysis - 电路分析
- <1100390001>
study the basic theory and analysis techniques of
electric circuits. The following 4 types of electic
cirucits will be studied: dc steady state circuits; dc
transient circuits, ac steady state circuits, balanced
three phase ac circuits.
BEng - Signals and Systems - 信号与系统
- <1102150001>
This course studies the fundamental theory and analysis
of: Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals, the
convolution sum and the convolution integral of linear
time-invariant systems, Fourier Series, Continuous-time
and discrete Fourier Transform, Laplace and Z Transform.
BEng - Applied Digital Control
- 數碼控掣系統
To introduce the fundamĥentals and design techniques in
digital control, filtering and signal processing. The
analysis and design of these digital systems will be
described with the aid of practical examples and CAD
BEng -
Industrial Computer Applications -
To introduce the applications of computing techniques in
solving industrial problems. Topics include (i) computer
process control, (ii) industrial instrumentation and
systems, (iii) image processing, and (iv) multimedia
concepts. Numerous hands on experience on industrial
computer applications will be included into the subject.
BEng -
Circuits and Linear Systems -
The course introduces the principles and techniques used
in the analysis of circuits and linear systems, with the
aid of computer aided design packages. This subject
provides the foundation for the later higher level
electrical engineering courses in the areas of power,
systems, drives, and control.
BEng -
Computer Systems Engineering -
The course teaches the basics of computer programming
and I/O interfacing through the Intel 80xxx series
microprocessor, and the Intel 8051 series
microcontroller. The course covers in sufficient details
the organizations and interfacing of modern
microcomputer systems, including modern storage
techniques and computer communications.
BEng - Basic Electricity and Electronics -
The course introduces the operating principles of
electrical machines and electronic circuits. Several
classes of electronic circuits will be covered,
including diodes, transistors, field effect transistors,
and operational amplifiers. For the power topics: power
electronics, electric machines, and three phase systems
will be covered. |
BEng - Power Electronics and Drives -
To enable students to understand the operation
principles, circuit topologies, and basic design of
various power electronic converters, such as controlled
rectifiers, AC voltage controllers, dc-dc choppers and