Dr. Norbert Cheung's personal web site --- www.norbert.idv.hk--- 

BEng - Signals and Systems - 信号与系统 - SZU1102150001

L1-306;  星期三 1900-2110 (11~13节)


Subject Information 课程教学大纲

<click here> <language arrangement>

Video Resource - <Baidu Link>

Important Notice:

 2024-5-25- 考試安排: (1) 补充资料将分发给考试学生。内容: (1) 中英词汇; (2) 重要公式列表; (3) 参考列表。
(2) 学生可以带字典进入考场

2024-5-26 - 最後一課堂將重溫一次, 所有課堂的重點。各同學請盡量出席。


Teaching Schedule 教学时间表 <calendar> <timetable>

Wk 1 - Signals and Systems-Introduction / 简介-信号与系统 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 2 - Signal and Systems Classification / 信号和系统分类 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 3 - LTI Systems - Convolution / LTI系统 - 卷积 <notes> <tutorial>

Wk 4 - LTI Systems - Properties / LTI系统 - 属性 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 5 Test 1 (open book) <arrangement> <questions> <solution>

Wk 6 - Laplace Transform &  LTI -1 / 拉普拉斯变换和LTI -1 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 7 - Laplace Transform &  LTI -2 / 拉普拉斯变换和LTI -2 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 8Fourier Series of Periodic Signals / 周期信号的傅里叶级数 <notes> <tutorial>

Wk 9 - Holiday no lesson

Wk 10 Continuous Time Fourier Transform / 连续时间傅里叶变换 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 11 Test 2 (open book) <arrangement> <question> <solution> <marks>

Wk 12 - Z-Transform & Discrete-Time LTI System-1/ Z变换和离散时间 LTI 系统-1 <notes> <question> <solution>

Wk 13 - Z-Transform & Discrete-Time LTI Systems-2/ Z变换和离散时间 LTI 系统-2 <notes> <question> <solution>

Wk 14 – Discrete Fourier Transform/ 离散时间傅里叶分析 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 15Filters Design and Implementation/ 过滤器设计和实现 <notes> <tutorial> <solution>

Wk 16 - Test 3 (open book) <arrangement> <test> <marks>

Wk 17 - Revision of the whole Subject

Wk 18 -Examination 2024-7-4 Thurs; 19:00-21:00; H3-204 <考试补充资料>; #26


Marks Allocation 分数分配 <indicative grades>

  • Test 1~3: 10% x3 = 30%
  • Course Work 10%
  • Examination = 60%