SZU - 深圳大学 - 2903123 - Electric Vehicles - 电动汽车
Subject Information
Teaching Schedule 课程安排
Wk 1 – Electric Vehicle Developments
Wk 2 – Electric Vehicle Systems 电动汽车系统
Wk 3 - Hybrid Electric Vehicles 混合动力电动车
Wk 4 – Electric Vehicle Propulsion 电动汽车推进
Wk 5 – Test 1 (open book) 开卷测验 1
Wk 6 – Electric Motors for EV电动汽车用电动机
Wk 7 - Electric Source 能源和电池
Wk 8 – Auxiliary Units 电动汽车辅助装置
Wk 9 - Specialized EV Motors 特種電動汽車電機
Wk 10 – Test 2 (open book) 开卷测验 2
Wk 11 – Autonomous EV自动驾驶电动汽车
Wk 12 – EV Infrastructure 电动汽车基础设施
Wk 13 – EV and green energy 电动汽车和绿色能源
Wk 14 – Future electric
Wk 15 – Test 3 (open book) 开卷测验 3
Wk 16 – Presentation 1 - 研究案例发表 1
Wk 17 – Presentation 2 - 研究案例发表 2
- Select a title from below. (T1~8)
- Submit the report (in pdf file) in wk
- Present the project (with pptv file) in
wk 16-17
- Presentation time around 10~15 min.
- Report must be less than 4 pages
- No text book content. Latest products,
interesting technology, etc.
- Must include: some technical
description, references, introduction, and conclusion.
Titles List
T1. EV examples: e.g. Tesla, BYD, Li,
Nio, etc.
T2. Examples of other EV types: Trucks,
bike, bus, trolley car, skate board
T3. Hybrid & Fuel cell EV examples: e.g.
Prius; BMW, Honda FC car etc.
T4. Electric Propulsion examples: special
motor drive; In-wheel motor example
T5. Battery Technologies: e.g. Graphene
battery; super capacitor, battery swapping.
T6. Auxiliary System examples: e.g. A/C;
ABS; regenerative braking, power steering
T7. Charging systems: charging standards;
inductive charging; payment methods
T8. Town planning examples: Shenzhen; EV
car hire; solar charging, hyperloop.
Marks Allocation
Test 1:
Test 2:
Test 3: 15%
presentation 25%
No Examination